Friday, March 29, 2013



Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Robert Evans

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Henry Silva

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: George Peppard

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Glenn Ford

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: George Peppard

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Richard Harris

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: George Segal

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Robert Fuller

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Christopher Plummer

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: James Garner

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted:  Scott Wilson

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Dustin Hoffman

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Charlton Heston

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Rock Hudson

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Robert Culp

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Gene Hackman

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Patrick O'Neal

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Clint Eastwood

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Gene Hackman

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Clint Eastwood

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Zalman King

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Elliott Gould

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Elliott Gould

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Robert Redford

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Paul Newman

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Charles Bronson

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Clint Eastwood

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Jack Nicholson

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Gene Hackman

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: James Brolin

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted:  Roy Scheider

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Jack Nicholson

The Missouri Breaks, 1976, Even with director Bob Rafelson suggesting Marlon Brando as his quarry, Steve nixed yet another Western script after passing on Applegate's Gold, American Flag, Heaven's Gate. Ironically, Nicholson's favourite director handed the project to Arthur Penn... who clearly had no idea what to do with it. Nor did Marlon Brando and Nicholson.

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Richard Dreyfuss

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Martin Sheen

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Richard Dreyfuss

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Robert Redford

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: George C Scott

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Clint Eastwood

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Al Pacino

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Ryan O'Neal

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted:  Christopher Reeves

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Kris Kristofferson

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Tommy Lee Jones

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: George C Scott

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Robert Carradine

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Kris Kristofferson

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Richard Jordan

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Paul Newman

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Burt Reynolds

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Sylvester Stallone

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Nick Nolte

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Bryan Brown

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted:  Tom Selleck

Steve McQueen Candidate; Finally Interpreted: Kevin Costner

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